3D Full Body Conversion
3D Half Body Conversion
3D Head & Shoulders Conversion
Full Body 3D conversion
When you select the Full Body 3D conversion option our designers will convert the entire subject into 3D.
Half Body 3D conversion
When you select the Half Body 3D conversion our designers will crop the subject/s in the image from the waist up.
Head and Shoulders 3D conversion
When you select the Head & Shoulders 3D conversion our designers will crop the subject/s in the image from the shoulders up.
Other details
The 3D conversion process is charged per individual person or pet in the photo, you can set the number of conversions required during the ordering process.
Current pricing for the various 3D conversion options are displayed in the details section for each crystal shape.
As is the case with all of our 3D conversions the backgrounds are always removed.